
Murals have become a new favorite of mine, because I get so much space to create.  Everyone I have ever done a mural for has raved about how happy they were, not just with the finished product, but the process itself.  I am super professional and care for the clients space as much, if not more, than the client.  Reputation is everything in this business.

I work with the clients to help bring their visions and dreams to life.

Murals are $30/sq foot with a 100sq foot minimum.  I accept smaller murals, but the minimum charge for a mural, no matter the size is $3,000.  This investment includes supply costs. 

I require $200 up front for up to three sketches of the vision (sometimes we nail it in the first one), 50% deposit to start the project and the additional 50% upon completion.  

Minimum Price:  Murals sized 0 to 100  Square Feet:  Price is $3,000

Pricing starts at $30 per square foot and decreases with increased size of mural; at 250 sf price drops to $28/sf – at 500 sf drops to $26/sf – at 900 sf price drops to $25/sf.

(Square Foot is determined by multiplying the height x width of the painting surface)

*Price per square foot may increase if the design requested is complex.  This will be indicated in the price quote and determined at the time that the final sketch is approved.

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